Hoopademix was created with the belief that all players regardless of their abilities or identities should feel welcomed and valued on the basketball court. The hoopademix organization values diversity and is dedicated to cultivating an inclusive experience for our players and their families. We are invested in seeing our players evolve on and off the basketball court and work to help ensure that all of our players feel a sense of belonging to the Hoopademix organization and have the ability to reach their highest potential.
At Hoopademix, we understand that diversity does not guarantee inclusion and are intentional in taking steps to create and sustain an inclusive experience for our players. As an organization, we have taken the the following steps to demonstrate our sincere commitment to building a diverse and inclusive basketball program:
- Bi-yearly inclusion professional development for all Hoopademix coaches
- A focus on developing a competitive girls basketball program
- Creating opportunities for relationship building on and off the court
- The implementation of the Hoopademix Builds Community (HBC) Program.
HBC was created in 2022 with the goal of increasing cohesion and inclusion within each individual team and within the larger HD program.
The HBC program is a low commitment but high impact program that takes approximately 5 minutes of each practice. At the beginning or end of every practice, your child’s coach will spend five minutes facilitating HBC conversations which promote cohesion, relationship building, and a sense of belonging. More details will be provided to all HD players once they are placed on a team.
Our commitment to furthering inclusion is an ongoing one. Watch this space for continued HD inclusion news and programming!
If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go together.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.